Five Little Things
Five Little Things I loved the week of September 28, 2018: bagel deliveries, Mr. Rogers, new toddler classics, and more!

Hello, my friends! I can’t believe that this is our last weekend in September, can you? I seriously don’t know where the month has gone. Here are Five Little Things I loved this week, plus one more:
1. Simple, Unpretentious Food
I love a fancy meal as much as I do a simple, homecooked one packed with love and sensibility. It has taken me a long time to embrace the humble tomato soup, which I shared with you this week, but truly, when food is done right, it can be elegant and elevated without being fussy. I loved reading my friend Jamie’s piece on the simplicity of her mother in law’s French cooking in the Washington Post. There are some recipes she shares that I would love to try, too!
2. Bagel Delivery
A taste of home has me craving NYC bagels, and now you can have them delivered to your home.
3. Night Bus
Harry Potter fans, have you ever wanted to take a night bus? Well, this one isn’t a magical one, but it does run from SF to LA — overnight! If it means avoiding airports, maybe it is magical after all!
4. A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood
I loved how Google celebrated Mr. Rogers this week with their Google Doodle!
5. Toddler Classics
Last night my daughter shared the wonders of Baby Shark song — and wouldn’t you know it, James Corden had to perform his own epic version. Between you and me, I’m glad my kids are no longer toddlers!
Now how about one more little thing??
6. Stay Strong
This 66-year-old is the oldest female American Ninja Warrior and I am in awe.
Stay inspired, my friends. Have an amazing weekend!