Five Little Things

Five Little Things I loved the week of January 10, 2025: California, real Santas, family time, and more.

Five Little Things

Dear friends, it’s been a long while since I shared a Five Little Things post with you. Last year, my excuses included being immersed in culinary school, work, and family. And to be honest, nothing has really changed. But I began 2025 wanting to return to sharing the little things that bring happiness. And with this week’s events in California, I realized even more the importance of spreading little moments that can hopefully make you smile.

Here are Five Little Things I loved this week:

1. Los Angeles

I have no words. We called Los Angeles home for a few years many years ago, and we are often in the area for my son, daughter, as well as visiting other family. The devastation this week is hard for many of us to understand and put into words. If you are from the area, have experienced loss, and been impacted this week, please know that my prayers for your safety are with you.

2. Blogging World

There are so many ways we can help, from donations to the American Red Cross and World Central Kitchen. But I’d love to suggest another way. I know some fellow bloggers who have been displaced and/or have experienced first hand the immense loss of their or their family’s home in these fires. It may not seem like much, but visiting their sites can help generate some income for them as they navigate these times. Please consider visiting Dorothy at Shockingly Delicious and Leah at Freutcake.

3. Family Time

Most of my friends have already sent their college kids back to school, but mine are still with me at home, just a few days longer. I can’t tell you how much this time together has meant to me, and I’m squeezing every last moment with them!

4. Real Santas

With the holidays behind us, I love hearing stories that embrace the real Santas who make the magic happen.

5. Please Please Please, but Different

Sometimes music can bring so much comfort. I leave you with Kelly Clarkson’s take on Please Please Please.

Stay safe, and stay joyful.



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