Simple Sundays | Rhubarb Scones

I feel a little ashamed. For the first time, I think I can make the (guilty) admission that in past years, Mother’s Day was a day that I thought I deserved something. Well, perhaps deserved is not quite the right word. Entitled, maybe. Entitled to…

Simple Sundays | Rhubarb Scones

I feel a little ashamed. For the first time, I think I can make the (guilty) admission that in past years, Mother’s Day was a day that I thought I deserved something. Well, perhaps deserved is not quite the right word. Entitled, maybe. Entitled to be showered with flowers and breakfast in bed, and all the quintessential special treatment our society leads us to expect on this one Sunday a year. And I’ve never been disappointed. My family has always been thoughtful.

But this year, I feel differently. When my husband asked me the other day if there was anything in particular I wanted to do on Mother’s Day, I shook my head and said, “Absolutely nothing.” And I sincerely meant that. I am bombarded with kisses every day, and have so much to be grateful for – it really does not feel right for me to expect anything else.

Mama, I love you. I can’t even tell you how much I love you.

When your son tells you this every day, what more could there possibly be?

When you daughter still idolizes you, and emulates your every move, how could you not feel appreciated? One day, that will change, but for now, I love that she wants to take her own pictures after I’m done with a shoot. I love how she bounces into the kitchen and wants to try her hand at making scones. All by herself.

Breakfast in bed? No need. I would much rather be in the kitchen and watch my children make these.

Rhubarb Scones

Serves 6. | Prep: 10 minutes | Cook: 20 minutes

Scones are one of those little pleasures that I love but often feel guilty making when done with exorbitant amounts of butter. This lightened up version is moist from buttermilk and just the right sweetness with little morsels of brightness from ruby red rhubarb. It can be enjoyed with a little sweet butter and jam, or as I like it, unadorned. And, as you can see, it is easy enough that my nine year old daughter can make it!


2 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
1/2 cup sugar
2 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/4 cup chilled butter, cut into small pieces
1/2 cup chopped rhubarb
1/2 cup lowfat buttermilk
2 eggs
2 teaspoons sugar
1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon


Preheat oven to 400 degrees.

In a large mixing bowl, whisk together the flour, sugar, baking powder, baking soda and salt. Using a pastry cutter, cut the butter into the flour, until you have course crumbs. This can also be done with two knives or a food processor. Stir in the rhubarb.

Whisk the eggs lightly and combine with the buttermilk. Add to the flour mixture ad stir until just moist.

On a lightly floured surface, turn the sticky dough out and knead lightly. On a baking sheet lined with parchment or silicone mat, pat the dough onto a 9 inch circle. Score into 12 wedges. Combine sugar an cinnamon and sprinkle the dough. Bake for 20 minutes, or until golden. Serve warm.

Minimally adapted from Cooking Light's Apricot Scones, November, 1999.


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  1. JoAnn

    Hello, I love this recipe! I am called the Scone Queen at work. I take your basic recipe and add to it. Right now peanut butter chocolate chip scones cooling, made from you basic recipe. Thanks!

  2. Simone

    Awww, that is so sweet Liren! Sounds like your kids truly appreciate you which is a good thing! Hope you had a great mothers day and these scones would do it for me!

  3. Nami | Just One Cookbook

    Awww sounds like you had a nice Mother’s Day Liren! Happy Belated Mother’s Day! Your children made these scones? I think I am ashamed of myself! I better get started on baking these! My kids also try taking pictures of their own meal (not the one they cook or anything). Kids are so cute and we must cherish these memories with them. :-) Great job to your children!

  4. Priscilla - She's Cookin'

    Happy Mother’s Day, Liren – It must have been great just to be back home and with your loving family. I always enjoyed doing things together on Mother’s Day versus being waited on. Your daughter is so cute – future food photographer in the making :) Lovely rhubarb scones!

  5. Suzanne

    Happy Mother’s Day Liren, hope it was wonderful. These scones are the perfect weekend indulgence.

  6. Jen Laceda @ Tartine and Apron Strings

    Liren, you are blessed to have a wonderful, doting family! I don’t think it will necessarily change even when the kids become moody teenagers…perhaps, the word is “momentarily forgotten” – haha ;) But when they get past that angry, awkward stage, especially when they are ready to start their own family, they will come running back to you with arms wide open! And I’m sure these rhubarb scones are one of the things they’ll remember. They look so gorgeous and your kitchen must be filled with that sweet aroma! Hmmmm…

  7. Anita Menon

    What a beautiful post. It is true , with kids who adore you so much you dont want anything special.

    Happy MOther’s Day.

    The scones look perfect.

  8. Lisa { AuthenticSuburbanGourmet }

    Happy Mother’s Day Liren!!! I adore scones and with rhubarb – now that sounds divine. Beautiful photos and nice to see your little one cutting the butter – a team effort. Enjoy your special day!!! :-)

  9. Bunkycooks

    Hi Liren,

    Happy Mother’s Day! It was truly a delight to finally meet you in New York. I knew that you would be just as kind and thoughtful in person as you have been since first meeting through our blogs. I wish we all lived closer so these visits and great lunches could become a regular event.

    I hope you enjoy your day with your husband and children. That is what makes Mother’s Day truly special.


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