Padron peppers from the farmer's market.

Five Little Things

Five Little Things I loved the week of September 29, 2017: farmer’s markets, pretty pies, butternut squash and more.

Padron peppers from the farmer's market.
Five Little Things

It’s been too long since my last Five Little Things – I missed you all last week! By now, I’ve really begun to embrace the arrival of autumn, even though the weather here in the Bay Area isn’t quite ready to keep up with the change in seasons. So I’m in that transition phase, and embracing those cross-over foods!

Here are Five Little Things I loved this week:

Peppers spilling from a paper bag on a wooden surface.

1. Farmer’s Market Hauls

I just love this time of year, when summer meets autumn at the farmer’s market! The very last of the stone fruit is lingering, there are loads of spicy padron peppers, fresh greens, and of course candy-sweet tomatoes! I’m also loving how corn and butternut squash is abundant, so I revisited an old favorite and made a video of one my favorite fall sides, Butternut Squash Creamed Corn (you might want to bookmark this for your Thanksgiving sides!).

I’ve also been living on this Stuffed Butternut Squash with Farro, Chickpeas and Kale and using this tip for cutting squash easily!

2. Pretty Pies

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I love Judy Kim’s gorgeous food, but most especially her knack for stunning pie crusts. She share some of her best tips for advanced piecrust decorating on the Williams-Sonoma blog — it just makes me want to make a pie!

3. A Magical Teacher

By this time in the school year, it’s pretty obvious (to parents and kids alike) which teachers go the extra mile. How lucky are the students who have this teacher who turned his classroom into Hogwarts?

4. Remember Typewriters?

When I was little, I loved the clickety clack of the keys and loved playing on my parents’ typewriter. How cool is this typewriter keyboard for iPads?

5. Go Pet a Dog

Feeling stressed? Go pet a dog. I couldn’t help but crack up when I saw this.

Have a wonderful weekend, everyone!



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